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magentoAdmin URL is not working in Magento.

Go with following procedure to fix the issue:

What you have in your Magento/app/etc/local.xml under <adminhtml><args><frontName><![CDATA[admin]]></frontName> </args></adminhtml>?

Is it admin or something else?

As you can see the admin is used in <![CDATA[admin]]> tag. So your admin url will be http://siteurl.com/index.php/admin

And for anyone who turns Admin Base URL on, here’s a way to kill it before you do anything else which WILL mess your system up.

Fire up phpMyAdmin and open your core_config_data table. You have four or more rows to edit.

Find admin/url/custom and set to 0 [zero]

The next three will have been set from the funky Admin Base URL you set in the Admin Config panel. You know what it is, the following rows will have it in the value field. Note their config_ID numbers and write them down.

and all instances of following must be defined previously. Please check before insert

Set these to be what your website unsecured base url should be. Example: http://siteurl.com/ and don’t forget to flush the folder followed by a slash if you installed there.

Flush following folders:

/var/cache and


See also  Remove links from myaccount in magento